HavAnother Vizslas
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HavAnother Pictures
Shelly is an amatuer photographer and loves to take pictures of the "kids".
The day it all started - bringing Shandy home!
Trouble times 2 - Here comes Elvis!
Shandy letting Elvis know what is HER spot!
Elvis, Shandy & the octopus
Typical Elvis
Young lady Shandy
Young lady Shandy sneezing!
Fun in the park
Tug O War
Tug on Elvis' life vest... Elvis not happy!
Shandy's first ribbon!
Shandy couch time
Shandy meets Mead
Mead couch time - looks familiar!
Mead meets Jaden
What a face Mead
3 way tug of war
Shandy wins!
Popcorn puppies
Mead vicous!
Me & Shandy
Shandy and grandson Rowan
Mead at about 6 months
Mead and Jaden ~ who's training who??
"No pictures please!" Mead
Mead 2 JR ribbons in one weekend.
Eric, Jaden and the girls hunting
Shandy the Jr Hunter!
Shandy ~ calendar picture
Shandy soaking up some Jaden love while expecting her first litter.
Elvis relaxing
Elvis and his girls
I don't believe in Santa!!
Jaden getting ready to run Mead at hunt test
Results from hunt test
Its a pig... its a bat... no it's Mead!!
I have taken some of my BEST pictures and some of my WORST of poor Mead!
Mead after a long day of hunting
pup from Shandy's first litter
First litter pups
Rogue and litter mates
First litter pup
Eric "resting his eyes" with a tired Rogue baby.
First litter pups
Rogues first field trial ~ second place!!
Shandy's second litter of pups
Shandy's second litter of pups
Shandy's second litter of pups
Shandy's second litter of pups
Shandy's second litter of pups
Shandy's second litter of pups
Shandy's second litter of pups
Shandy's second litter of pups
Shandy's second litter of pups
Mead & babies
Mead's 1st litter
Mead's first litter
Mead puppy
Life is good!!!
Mead's 1st litter
Puppy packets lined up and ready for buyers
Mom Mead & MoJo (Mini-Mead)
Mead & MoJo
Mead & MoJo
Mead & MoJo